Politix for Movember

Raise awareness. Raise funds. Start Conversations. And save lives.
As Australia's leading menswear brand, we're making a stand for mens health. And this year is about more than just raising money. We’re working together with our Mo bro friends at Movember Australia to raise awareness, funds and get the conversation going around prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention.
Everyone in our business from our store staff to our management team are taking action for Movember. Here's how you can take part too.
Shop sharp and raise money. With every pair of POLITIX chinos sold in November, we'll donate $10 to the Movember Foundation.

1. Spend some time with your mates.
Stay connected with the people who make you feel good. Your mates are important so catch up regularly, check in, and make time.

2. Talk, ask, listen.
You don't need to be an expert and you don't have to have the solution. Simply being there for someone, listening, and giving your time can be life-saving.

3. Know the numbers.
At 50, talk to your doctor about prostate cancer and whether it's right for you to have a PSA test. If you're of African or Caribbean descent, or have a father or brother with prostate cancer, have this conversation at 45. Know your risk, talk to your doctor.

4. Know thy nuts. Simple.
Get to know what's normal for your testicles. Give them a check regularly and go to the doctor if something doesn't feel right.

5. Move, more.
Add more activity to your day. Do more of what makes you feel good. Take a walk, park further away from the station, get off the bus a stop earlier, take the stairs instead of the lift, cycle to work.
Be the part, here’s how to participate in Movember:
Whatever you grow in November will save a bro. Whether it's patchy or epic, them whiskers on your face will help raise funds and awareness for men's health.
Sign up for the Movember Move Challenge and commit to running or walking 60km over the month. You can do it at your own pace. Your 60km pledge is for the 60 men lost to suicide each hour, every hour across the world.
RAISE awareness
Meet our ambassadors
To get the ball rolling, we have hand picked 5 POLITIX staff members to be our Movember Australia ambassadors. We have selected an ambassador from each state across Australia that has a connection to the cause. Get ready to meet our Mo bros and Mo sistas!
Harbourtown Manager, SA

In my family and in many others, men don’t talk about their health - physical or mental. Being a “man” is defined by being the alpha and never expressing how you feel. I want to change this stigma because if the men in my life had someone to encourage them to take care of their health and well-being, they might still be here today.
Sunshine Plaza Sales Consultant, QLD

As someone who has suffered from a mental illness, I’ve been lucky to receive support as a young woman. Unfortunately, the stigma around mental illness in men means that many don’t seek support, and as someone who believes in equality between the sexes, I feel that I can help advocate for men seeking and receiving support and reducing the stigma around mental illness, as well as seeking support for all health issues.
Uni Hill Sales Consultant, VIC

My dad’s sickness has taught me a different level of empathy and being part of the movement that benefits people in similar situations as my dad, makes both me and would have made him very happy.
Bankstown Manager, NSW

After losing two very close members of my family last year to cancer, I have a strong connection to the relevance and importance of bringing awareness to people about the great fundraising and research done by the Movember foundation. As a spokesperson, I strive to bring my unique and charismatic personality to shed a light on these terrible illnesses and hopefully make my own personal impact on men’s health.
Carousel Manager, WA

Movember is something I’m passionate about, particularly men’s mental health. Too often men are the ‘shoulders we cry on’. Yet, in doing so they lose their own shoulder, and forget their own well-being to help others. Though it is such a selfless act, the men who want to be perceived as tough, could be dealing with a lot on the inside. I want to be a part of the movement, to change the way society thinks. It gives me such happiness that the brand I work for, the POLITIX family I am in, plays such a big part in this movement, and I hope in some way, I can be a part of that.
What is Movember?
Why a mo? Movember focuses on men’s health. The Movember Foundation is a charity committed to raising awareness and funds for prominent health problems faced by men: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention. It’s hard to talk about these issues, so the Movember challenge is all about starting the conversation and taking action on preventable men’s health problems.